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Your New Compass to the Social Sector?

Posted by on May 3rd, 2011
Posted in Blog, News   

Hot off the presses: Over 50 leading experts — including Jennie Winton and Zach Hochstadt of Mission Minded — came together to produce a comprehensive, incredibly useful how-to manual and resource guide. Newly released, Nonprofit Management 101 features practical insights and provides easy to implement solutions for people like you who are seeking to meet your mission and maximize the impact of your organization. Edited by Darian Rodriguez Heyman, former Executive Director of Craigslist Foundation, think of it as your compass for the social sector.  Read it and let us know what you found most useful.


Jennie Winton is a Founding Partner of Mission Minded, a 25-year marketing veteran sought for her expertise in branding nonprofit organizations, and a one-on-one leadership coach.

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