Villa Duchesne

The Challenge

While Villa Duchesne has always been confident in the Sacred Heart goals upon which they were founded over 90 years ago, there were differing opinions about what the school is. With different divisions, each with their own school name and serving different genders (“Oak Hill” for boys and girls in Pre-K–6 and “Villa Duchesne” for girls in grades 7-12), there was a natural confusion about what this school really stands for and who it serves best.


  • Brand Strategy & Messages
  • Campaigns
  • Creative
  • Visual Identity
  • Web Design and Development

The Insight

Our findings revealed that even as the community grappled with what kind of school Villa was on a relative scale of Catholicism, its students were thriving precisely because of the lived Sacred Heart values. This anchoring of faith into school life uniquely differentiates them from their peer schools.

The Journey

Through an authentic and unapologetic brand strategy that embraces the core values of Sacred Heart teachings, a name change that unifies their divisions, and a joyful new visual identity brought to life in an inviting admissions campaign and website, Villa Duchesne took charge of their reputation, coming together with their community to create a brand that stands for one big, bold idea that they all rally around. 

The Impact

Villa Duchesne will never again be defined by others. Their brand strategy goes far beyond the suite of admissions materials—it’s a compass guiding their culture every day in a way that deeply serves their students, families, faculty, and staff.

Now our entire Villa team deeply understands our brand and finds ways to incorporate it consistently into our daily work. This process has allowed us to lean into our mission together with a renewed spirit and commitment to our work and our students!

Alice Dickherber, Assistant Head of School for Strategic Advancement at Villa Duchesne

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