Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Learn about Mission Minded's commitment to belonging and justice.

At Mission Minded, we know that the stories we tell—and help our clients tell—can either reinforce or deconstruct the stereotypes that many of us hold around race, socioeconomic status, gender, sexuality, disability, nativism, and more.

That’s why we’ve made an intentional commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Every day, we strive to embrace our role in this never-ending work, to hold each other accountable, and to learn from our mistakes.

Here’s how.

  • Our dedicated DEI advisor reviews our client deliverables for bias.
  • We follow best practices in hiring recommended by DEI experts.
  • We continually review and refine internal processes to ensure that our services and deliverables reflect our values.
  • We hold regular training sessions on topics like unconscious bias, privilege, equitable storytelling, asset-based framing, and the ladder of inference.
  • In our monthly DEI learning club, team members share perspectives and discuss books, articles, films, and podcasts.
  • We make DEI learning part of our daily discussions in Slack channels like “#deadidioms”—where we identify expressions rooted in sexist, racist, antisemitic, classist, colonialist, ableist or other assumptions.

We know we still have work to do, but we’re in this for the long haul. Each of these initiatives moves our company in the right direction.