The Insight
Through one-on-one interviews with potential users of the site, we discovered that it needed to be primarily focused on serving job seekers. Even potential and long-time donors wanted to visit a site that demonstrated an organization actively fulfilling its mission–not just talking about the work they did. By addressing program participants as the website priority, the site would achieve two goals: making it easier for those they served to find meaningful careers, while also inspiring donors about the impact they could have.

The Journey
Simple site architecture, inclusive easy-to-understand language, and a dynamic new visual identity and graphics guide users to embrace a new future for themselves. The new tagline, “Together We Work” invites donors, volunteers, staff, employers, and jobseekers to see themselves as all part of the same community working together to change the future of employment.

The Impact
The launch of the new site and new brand coincided with the 50th anniversary celebration of the organization. Supporters, partners, and graduates of JVS’s training programs together heralded the new site as an exciting (and easy-to-use) new web experience that expertly captured the next evolution of this important organization.

WOW this all looks incredible!!!….HUGE THANK YOU! Everything looks awesome.
Luba Yusim, Director, Marketing and Communications, JVS