California ChangeLawyers

The Challenge

The California Bar Foundation was misunderstood. While the organization had once been a traditional grantmaking organization led by an insular old guard focused on advancing lawyers' law careers, their focus had changed to empowering the next generation of lawyers, judges, and activists with the express purpose of creating a more diverse legal profession. They needed to project a new image to attract donors and a more diverse group of people considering law careers.


  • Brand Strategy & Messages
  • Creative
  • Video
  • Visual Identity

The Insight

We recognized the opportunity to reposition the organization from a generic law-focused grantmaking foundation into a social-justice leader that believes lawyers are the most powerful and impactful changemakers in creating a more just society.

The Journey

We co-created a bold new name, indeed a new word – California ChangeLawyers  – breaking new ground and positioning them as social justice leaders. The gutsy tagline invites donors to lead: Fund Justice. Change the World.

The positioning strategy and brand tools signal that California ChangeLawyers uses its voice to make the state stronger, and gives voice to those who might otherwise be unheard. The speech bubbles, quote box, vibrant colors, and bold typography show the fearless nature of an organization using its voice to call for equity and justice. And two bold videos featuring real-life ChangeLawyers make the case that a more just California rests on recruiting a more diverse field.

The Impact

California ChangeLawyers created a new category of legal and social justice pathways, recruited more financial and collaborator support, and continues to attract the next generation of ChangeLawyers.

Our rebranding has really allowed us to fully own ourselves in every way. It’s allowed us to work bolder than we did before, because now we can take challenges, because they’re no longer challenges. They fit into our brand.

Carlos Aguilar as Chief Content & Communications Director at California ChangeLawyers 

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