The Insight
The Foundation already had a reputation for being big and high-impact in the general way of many foundations of its size. What wasn’t as clearly understood is their spirit of exploration and smart risk-taking that emerged as a differentiator in our research. In a state known for innovation, Mission Minded helped Blue Shield of California recognize an opportunity to showcase how they work creatively with nonprofits and strategic initiatives in collaborative and bold new ways – not to advance themselves, but the health and lives of Californians.

The Journey
The brand strategy we developed captures their unique positioning in the phrase Further Forward, which embodies both their big goals, and the warmth and humanity of their brand. The resulting visual identity captures the spirit of collaboration and building together that moves a vision forward. New key messages and communication tools helped them launch powerfully to a community excited to embrace them for their shared mission for Californians. This included a video focused on their values and belief that working together Californians can move further forward.
The Impact
With this bold expression of their values and intended impact Blue Shield of California Foundation was able to use their brand strategy as a powerful guide for decisions on programs and practices, not just communications. This has made them better collaborators and partners, and helped others better understand how they fit in to the Foundation’s vision. They were so pleased with our partnership they asked Mission Minded to create a second video, this one focused on their creative and high-impact, collaborative focus on reducing domestic violence.
The most surprising thing about the rebrand has been how it has impacted every aspect of our work here at the foundation.
Christine Maulhardt as Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Blue Shield of California Foundation