Fundraising Campaigns

Your campaigns need to convey who you are and what you stand for. From anniversaries to admissions to capital campaigns to events, we’ll make sure that you elevate your messages and achieve your goals.

Wesleyan University

Wesleyan University

Wesleyan University isn't just an institution. Learn how Mission Minded helped showcase it a launchpad for transformative change.

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Villa Duchesne

Villa Duchesne

Through an authentic and unapologetic brand strategy that embraces the core values of Sacred Heart teachings, a name change that unifies their divisions, and a joyful new visual identity brought…

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University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

Experience the transformational impact of the University of British Columbia's Applied One campaign, uniting the sciences to create change.

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Foothills Community Center

Foothills Community Center

Foothills Art Center embraced a bold new identity, strategic plan, and campaign tools to redefine itself as a vibrant cultural hub for the Golden community.

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