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Previous Webinars
Closing Keynote – Reframe Your Competitors Right Out of the Picture
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 3-4pm ET
Does your school focus your marketing, admissions, and enrollment messages on convincing families either 1. That you are different from other local choices, or worse, 2. That you are “just as good as other schools?”
When you allow competitor schools to define you, you end up, well, competing with them. What if your school’s brand could carve out a place in your competitive school marketplace that was yours alone — with no real competitors? When you define the category, you can be the only one in it. That’s what attracts parents and students to look at your school in a new way and see your value in a class of its own.
This closing keynote will demonstrate the need to be bold to attract today’s families. The enrollment communications practices of yesterday are no longer enough. You have to be bold or risk becoming indistinguishable and irrelevant.
Is Brand Strategy Guiding Your Major Donor Communications?
Wednesday, April 9 at 10am PT/1pm ET
Wondering how to improve your major donor messages? Your brand strategy may be the missing link.
Tammy Sims Johnson, Vice President of Philanthropic Services for Santa Barbara Foundation and Zach Hochstadt, Mission Minded co-founder, want to give you the tools for success.
Join us on Wednesday, April 9 at 10am PT/1pm ET to learn how the Foundation’s branding project is helping to position the organization for success with major donors. You’ll learn best practices in messaging to major donors while also acquiring new tools for telling your own organization’s story.
Can’t make it? Register anyway! We’ll send you the recording after and free resources specifically tailored to your needs.
Mission Minded is a strategy and creative firm that helps good causes have greater impact. We share our expertise freely to give the people and organizations that make our world better what they need to succeed.
Independent School Philanthropy Reimagined: Bold Strategies for Trustees
Thursday, April 17, 2025 @ 3pm-4:00pm CT / 4pm-5:00pm ET
Independent schools striving to meet ambitious fundraising targets often fall short due to inadequate trustee training or outdated approaches.
In this webinar with Mission Minded Partner and Director of Strategy Romayne Levee, we’ll revolutionize your approach to philanthropy, moving beyond outdated tactics and demographic-based analyses. Instead, we’ll delve deep into understanding donors’ values, motivations, and aspirations, enabling you to craft more impactful appeals and acknowledgments. Say goodbye to outdated practices that inadvertently perpetuate donor saviorism. Gain invaluable insights into equitable fundraising strategies that resonate with evolving philanthropic norms, positioning your school for unprecedented success.
Building Better Boards: Independent School Philanthropy Reimagined
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 @ 3pm-4:30pm PT / 4pm-5:30pm MT
Independent schools striving to meet ambitious fundraising targets often fall short due to inadequate trustee training or outdated philanthropic approaches.
In this session with Romayne Levee, Mission Minded Partner and Director of Strategy, trustees will undergo a transformative journey in rethinking philanthropy and leveraging successful practices from our higher-education colleagues. The focus shifts from traditional demographic-based donor analysis to understanding donors’ values, motivations, and aspirations.
By adopting this nuanced perspective, trustees can craft more resonant appeals and acknowledgments that forge meaningful connections with donors. Moreover, the session delves into the pitfalls of outdated fundraising practices that inadvertently reinforce donor saviorism. Trustees will gain valuable insights into equitable fundraising strategies that align with evolving philanthropic norms and set their school up for success.
AFP Deep Dive: What’s New in Fundraising Campaign Communications?
Thursday, September 4, 2025, 1:00-5:00pm ET
What can your organization learn from bold campaigns being led in the nonprofit sector? Join Jennie Winton and Tia Robinson, for an elevated look at current and emerging nonprofit campaign communication trends. They’ll share new thinking they’ve successfully applied at nonprofits and educational institutions, here and abroad, to help campaigns succeed by identifying donor values, emphasizing equity, and tapping authentic ideas for bold campaigns that move from expected to elevated. You’ll leave with new ideas to elevate your own campaign, and excited to take your work to the next level.