2025 Trends: How Schools Can Meet The Moment

Schools play a fundamental role in communities around the world, especially in difficult times. We’re not going to pretend that 2025 hasn’t gotten off to a rough start. Whether you’re recovering from a national disaster or navigating current policy challenges, we’re here to help.

Amplify the good” isn’t just a pithy tagline. We want to help you achieve your mission any way that we can. We believe that schools should have all the tools they need to succeed. So, we’ve put together a guide of six key points and some thoughtful questions to help schools meet this moment while staying focused. Here are our three most relevant takeaways:

Prioritize rest to do your best work

We get it—there are a thousand things on your to-do list. Your work as an educator shapes the lives and futures of your students and your families. Relationships and relationship building are a major part of your professional lives. However, your work is a marathon, not a sprint, and burnout doesn’t lead to success. 

We also want to reiterate that rest doesn’t have to be purely physical! Rest can be built into your organizational frameworks and integrated into your values. Spending intentional time connecting with yourself and celebrating your successes is essential to building resilience. Prioritizing focus over volume and investing in yourselves can help you build resilience for the times when you have to move quickly. For many educators, personal and professional values overlap and when you align them, you will be happier at work. The upcoming political and economic shifts will bring highs and lows—and your team will need the stamina and spirit to navigate both.

Let your values guide you forward

A school is more than a place to learn—it’s a community in and of itself. Families are looking for schools where their children feel safe, supported, and set up to thrive. Often, you develop unique relationships with parents as well as students, which can be a draw. This is your moment to play to your strengths. Articulate your “why” boldly and consistently across every channel. 

Focus on what makes your school unique to attract families who resonate with and want to live your values. Academic excellence, once a marker of innovation, has become table stakes over time. Showcase testimonials, highlight your programs, and craft messaging that resonates with what families value most.

In tough times, community is one of our greatest strengths. This is the time to reach out and build broader networks of support. Your board, staff, families, and community partners can help you identify and build new opportunities for growth. 

Plan for multiple scenarios

Planning is essential to short-term and long-term success. We also live in an era of bold, unprecedented social change. These two statements are not mutually exclusive! There has never been a better time for your school to harness this collective interest and take advantage. Your school’s strategic plan can be a valuable roadmap for difficult times and a comfort to the community you serve. Now is an ideal time to re-examine it and decide if it serves you. 

What foundations have you built that resonate? Is it linked to your brand strategy? What major initiatives would you double down on or reapproach? Does it include succession planning? (And if you don’t have a strategic plan or think yours needs improvement, you can copy our homework.) 

“Amplify the good” isn’t just our tagline. We want to help you achieve your mission, any way that we can.

Need help raising more money, attracting more people to your organization, or rallying your community? We’re here to help. Let’s talk