Strategic Budgeting Is the Missing Piece to Your Organization’s Success

Investing in a transformative strategic engagement stretches the resources of most nonprofits, foundations, and education institutions. A refresh of your brand strategy, embarking on a new strategic plan, or a major fundraising campaign happens at most twice a decade. 

Here are a few ways we’ve seen nonprofit and school leaders shift their mindsets around budgeting to deliver on the transformative promise of their strategic engagement with Mission Minded.

Does Your School’s Brand Need to Claim “Academic Excellence”?

A young Black man smiles while sitting at a school desk.

What’s driving our reconsideration of academic excellence and its relationship to your school’s brand?

When independent schools first began to embrace the idea of building a strategic brand, it was because they saw an opportunity to stand out in a sea of sameness. What do you do when what makes you unique becomes the baseline?

Did You Meet Your Enrollment Goals? If Not, Take a Look at Your Brand

a diverse group of school children stand posed together

Are your school admissions numbers lacking? Your admissions numbers are directly tied to the strength of your school’s brand. When you can send strong signals to families about your brand and community experience before they’ve ever set foot on campus, you’re one step ahead in communicating your unique value.

Powered by Praise: How Recognition Drives Greater Career and Organizational Success

Image of professional Black woman with natural hair in a black suit with a white shirt shaking a white woman's hand

Being a trusted performer can be lonely — whether you’re at the top of the org chart or not. You neither seek nor expect much praise. Learn why celebrating your own achievements benefits not just you, but your entire organization.