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Imagine a world where everyone can learn

Operating as a nonprofit since 2008, Khan Academy has grown into a global community of learners, supported by 100,000+ donors and thousands of volunteers. With a proper donor and volunteer database in place, Khan Academy celebrated its growth and inventiveness by releasing the first ever Khan Academy Annual Report.

Illustrations represent and communicate Khan Academy’s design principles of being empowering, flexible, credible, and joyful. They make complex ideas accessible and show the human side of Khan Academy.

Photography and video authentically tell Khan Academy’s story and of the people it serves. As the user scrolls through the report, the narrative brings to life the humanity behind the online tool and shows the real world impact Khan Academy has on learners around the globe.

Infographics and data visualizations animate to further engage the reader and reinforce Khan Academy’s growth over the past year. The animations also mimic the engagement learners experience online.

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