Stanford Humanities Center

The Challenge

The Stanford Humanities Center faced a significant challenge within Stanford University. Despite groundbreaking work in their field, they struggled for attention amid more high-profile departments like those catering to Silicon Valley's tech sector, sciences, and medicine. This overshadowing made fundraising difficult, particularly among Stanford alumni who often prioritized more "practical" fields.


  • Campaigns
  • Creative
  • Video

The Insight

Our research revealed a widespread lack of awareness about the relevance of humanities. Many viewed it as a luxury rather than a necessity, especially when urgent global problems demanded solutions from science and medicine. The campaign needed to shift this perception, emphasizing that humanities underpin the very reasons for advancements in science, medicine, and technology—humanities are at the core of human progress.

The Journey

“Think of It This Way” challenges us to consider diverse perspectives for understanding our world. The campaign’s visual elements, like overlapping geometric shapes, symbolize the synthesis of ideas and viewpoints. It doesn’t stop at asking questions but motivates action. Through the call to “Reawaken Humanity,” donors are invited to actively participate and contribute to shaping a future grounded in empathy, humility, and inclusive thinking, as demonstrated in conversations with Stanford Humanities Center scholars.

The Impact

The campaign’s impact has been monumental. Not only did the Stanford Humanities Center achieve its fundraising goal, but it also secured the largest donation in the Center’s history. This success highlights a shift in perception, with renewed recognition and support for the humanities as foundational to the university’s mission and the broader landscape of human knowledge and progress.

My work with Mission Minded has been my best experience at Stanford.

Andrea Rees Davies as Associate Head of Stanford Humanities Center

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