San Francisco Foundation

The Challenge

Like most community foundations, San Francisco Foundation faced a challenge—to energize donors to both see the institution as a vehicle for individual family giving, and stoke their commitment to uplift community impact, specifically around economic justice. With a new leader and a bold vision for strategic systemic change, they needed their next fundraising campaign story to help donors of all types understand the need to ensure people have affordable homes, a living wage, and the chance to participate in shaping the policies affecting them—especially people living in historically excluded communities.


  • Campaigns
  • Creative

The Insight

A commitment to equity wasn’t enough to set San Francisco Foundation apart. Many nonprofits in the Bay Area share that same commitment. To truly stand out, the Foundation needed to highlight the changes made possible by an inspiring vision, simplify its language, and boldly invite others to join their campaign to make enormous but achievable systemic changes.

The Journey

Through targeted key messages focusing on what values donors of all types share with an energizing design, Mission Minded partnered with San Francisco Foundation to develop a bold campaign theme that draws on a history of activism in the Bay Area while also reinforcing what is unique about the San Francisco Foundation—its ability to bring together a broad group of stakeholders to achieve something bigger than any one actor could achieve on its own.

The Impact

San Francisco Foundation is successfully engaging new donors who share in the Foundation’s vision of Collective Power and has the tools to encourage more traditional donors to expand giving into this priority area.

Mission Minded’s understanding of the definition of equity, asset-based framing, and lifting up others in a non-savior way is advanced. I really appreciate that we don’t have to teach you this stuff.

Fred Blackwell, CEO, San Francisco Foundation

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