Marin Agricultural Land Trust

The Challenge

Marin Agricultural Land Trust was the first organization in the country to protect farmland from subdivision and development. For over 35 years, MALT has safeguarded the future of Marin’s local family farms, landscapes, healthy environment, and bounty of local food. Yet, when they came to Mission Minded, their site was failing to connect users with the importance of their mission and convert them from visitors to donors and participants in their community.


  • Creative
  • Web Design and Development

The Insight

Many people from different walks of life care about MALT’s work for different reasons. From multi-generational farmers to urban gourmands, MALT connects with a wide variety of visitors in highly personalized ways. Thus, we recognized that MALT’s brand needed to guide the web experience. The site needed to combine expertise with rustic authenticity and the site tools needed to connect lifestyle with a depth of professional knowledge. 

The Journey

A customizable mapping tool connects the dots for users to better understand the stories behind the lands that have been protected. Moreover, it creates a sense of urgency to protect remaining unprotected farm land—before it’s too late.

The Impact

The result is a site that is as grounded as those who work the lands it represents.Through a “Buy Local” portal, users connect with the products produced on MALT lands. This deepens the connection Bay Area residents have with the food grown in their backyard. Ultimately, people eat better food, local economies are strengthened, and the lands that sustain us are protected for future generations.

We are SOOOOO excited about [the web design], it is stunning and modern and rustic and familiar all at once. We are super excited about this step forward and we think you have done an outstanding job!

Isabel French, Marketing Communications Manager, Marin Agricultural Land Trust (MALT)

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