You work in a nonprofit, foundation, or school, so you know this time of year can be a whirlwind. Extra assignments. Holiday chaos. More to-do lists. It all piles up, leaving little room to actually enjoy the holiday season.
You may be racing to hit end-of-year fundraising goals, juggling meaningful staff, board, and volunteer events, or closing out big projects. All in all, it’s easy to see why the holiday season can leave you feeling drained instead of jolly.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are three practical tips to help you thrive (and not just survive) this time of year, so you can tackle your to-do list AND still have the energy to enjoy the holiday season.
Tap The Kid in You
Was there a book you loved as a child? Re-reading it or listening to it (cheers for audiobooks) for a few minutes a day can help tap the younger, light-hearted version of you. Or maybe there’s a nostalgic cartoon or TV show you loved watching as a kid. For example, I loved the Partridge Family and, even now, the theme song still makes me smile. (Pro tip: LibriVox is a great free source for digital and audio books)
One of our team members—Mission Minded’s creative director Demian Kato— revisits his favorite childhood book Ming Lo Moved the Mountain by Arnold Lobel. He shared this insight: “Shifting your perspective is as easy as moving a mountain. It was a lesson completely lost on me as a kid when the watercolored illustrations were the main draw. But that lesson echoes through me as an adult—so this one will forever be a fave.”

Reflection Moment 1: What brought you joy or filled you with wonder when you were a kid?
Remember Your Why
You work where you work for a reason—and it’s probably not for the end-of-year stress that comes with the job.
So take a moment to reconnect with your organization’s values, and how they align with your own. Remembering these core values—and not just the mission— can really give you a positivity boost. It also shifts your goals (and to-do list) from tasks to something bigger.
Kevin Swanson, Executive Director of Season of Sharing Fund, values people for who they are and believes in dignity for all. So it comes as no surprise that he works for a nonprofit founded on a value of championing human dignity.

“The holidays are a very busy time for us, and our team works very hard because we want to deliver our support to as many people as possible. What motivates me is being able to live my personal values through my work, as well as the values of our founders, donors, and partners, there’s a peace and drive that comes with that.”
Reflection Moment 2: Which of your organization’s values inspire you the most and align with your own?
(If you haven’t taken time to articulate your personal values in a way that serves you daily, here’s a great free resource to get you started.)
Make Yourself Laugh
Fielding last-minute donor calls with potential big gifts attached, or solving end-of-year challenges that arise really is serious. But doing serious work doesn’t have to mean feeling heavy and bogged down. Instead, seek out some humor throughout your day and find opportunities to giggle. Laughter can reduce stress and spark creativity while keeping your mood light and breezy.
So ask yourself—what adds levity to your day? Maybe it’s watching laughing babies, kitten videos, or funny holiday movies. One year at Mission Minded, we made a commercial spoof that was so hilarious it still cracks people up years later. In short, it’s all about finding those little moments of joy throughout the day to keep your spirits high.
Reflection Moment 3: What’s something that makes you laugh? How can you add a bit of humor to your day today?
At this time of year we want you to know that we see you. We see how hard you work. We see how devoted you are to your organization. We see that the work you do is complex and not always light—and that you never give up.
Even when the day-to-day feels rough, the work you do makes a difference. So this holiday season, we give thanks to you for keeping at it.
Thank you for making the world a better place. You truly amplify the good.
Tell us: How do you thrive during the holidays? What makes you laugh, feel like a kid again, or tap the values in your heart? Your ideas can help uplift others in our sector.
“Amplify the good” isn’t just our tagline. We want to help you achieve your mission, any way that we can.
Need help raising more money, attracting more people to your organization, or rallying your community? We’re here to help. Let’s talk.