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  Portfolio  /   Colorado Health Foundation

Bringing Health in Reach for All Coloradans

Colorado Health Foundation is the largest community-driven, health-focused foundation in Colorado and a leading foundation in the country, with a mission to improve health of all Coloradans. With new leadership, the Foundation shifted its focus to put a greater emphasis on health equity. Translating that jargon into everyday language—and shifting the visual identity to make the foundation feel more approachable—became critically important challenges.

The pattern and prism speak to how the Foundation shines light on multiple issues and embraces various perspectives. The use of different colors overlapping and coming together represents collaboration and how they welcome everyone to be part of the conversation.

Editorial style comes to life through the use of pattern and spotlight treatments, creating focus on the individual in the photography, while adding texture and depth.

Iconography is reflective of the Foundation’s transparent values. Data is visualized and brought to life in a variety of ways to make it more meaningful for the reader.

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